1. Why have I received a notice?
2. What is this lawsuit about?
3. Why is this a class action?
4. What is the proposed settlement?
5. What can I do now? You have three options.
6. Who represents the Settlement Class?
7. When will the Court decide whether to approve the settlement?
8. How do I obtain more information?
The Court authorized notice of a proposed settlement in a class action lawsuit entitled Oksana Yegereva, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, v. Medical Management Professional Services, Inc., d/b/a/ USA Vein Clinics, pending as Case No. 2023CH01862 in the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois (the “Lawsuit”). The settlement would resolve the Lawsuit brought on behalf of the Settlement Class. You are receiving a Notice because you have been identified through Defendant’s records as a Settlement Class Member.
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The named plaintiff, Oksana Yegereva (“Plaintiff”), filed a class action lawsuit alleging that Medical Management Professional Services, Inc. (“Defendant”) used iris-scanning timeclocks for its employees without making the disclosures and receiving the written consent required by the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act, 740 ILCS 14/1, et seq. (“BIPA”). Defendant denied and continues to deny these allegations. Notwithstanding their disagreements, the Parties have proposed a settlement that, if approved by the Court, will resolve the employees’ claims, including yours, relating to these iris scans.
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In a class action lawsuit, one or more people called “Class Representatives” (in this case, Oksana Yegereva) sue as a lead plaintiff on behalf of people who have similar alleged claims. These people together are called the “Class” or “Class Members.” The company they sue (in this case, Medical Management Professional Services, Inc.) is called the Defendant. The Settlement will be binding on all Class Members except those who exclude themselves, if the Court gives final approval to this settlement and upon favorable resolution following any appeal to a higher Court.
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Without admitting any fault or liability, and in exchange for a release of all claims relating to the collection of biometric information, Defendant has agreed to make available a Settlement Fund in the amount of $225,000.00 to pay Settlement Class Members, to pay an incentive award to Plaintiff for serving as the “Class Representative,” to pay attorneys’ fees and expenses to Class Counsel, and to pay settlement administration costs. Each Settlement Class Member who does not timely exclude themselves from the settlement will be entitled to a prorated share of the Settlement Fund, after any deductions for an incentive award to the Class Representative, Class Counsel fees and costs, and settlement administration costs.
The Court has preliminarily approved this settlement, subject to a fairness hearing that will occur on May 5, 2025, at 11:00 am at the Cook County Courthouse located at 50 West Washington Street, Chicago, IL 60602 in Room 2402 or via Zoom [Meeting ID: 955 0046 1687 Passcode: 640378].
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Yegereva v. MMPS
c/o Settlement Administrator
P.O. Box 25226
Santa Ana, CA 92799
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The Court appointed Plaintiff to be the “Class Representative” and appointed the following law firm as Class Counsel to represent the Settlement Class: Progressive Law Group, LLC, Mark Bulgarelli and Ilan Chorowsky, 1570 Oak Avenue, Suite 103, Evanston, IL 60201, markb@progressivelaw.com.
Class Counsel are working on your behalf; however, you may hire your own lawyer, but you will have to pay that lawyer yourself. At the fairness hearing, Class Counsel will request that the Court approve an award of $7,500.00 to the Class Representative from the Settlement Fund as an incentive award for serving as the Class Representative. Class Counsel will also request that the Court award one-third (33.33%) of the Settlement Fund ($75,000.00) for attorneys’ fees, plus reimbursement of out-of-pocket litigation expenses, to be paid from the Settlement Fund.
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The Court will hold a hearing to decide whether the proposed settlement is fair and reasonable and should be approved. At that fairness hearing, the Court will hear any objections and arguments about the proposed settlement, including about the attorneys’ fees and expenses requested by Class Counsel and the incentive award requested for the Class Representative. The fairness hearing will take place on May 5, 2025 at 11:00 am at the Cook County Courthouse, 50 West Washington Street Chicago, IL 60602, in Room 2402 or via Zoom [Meeting ID: 955 0046 1687 Passcode: 640378].
You do not need to attend this hearing unless you object. The fairness hearing may be continued to a future date without further notice, and the hearing may be conducted remotely. Any changes to the fairness hearing date or forum will be posted to this Settlement Website. If the Court does not approve the settlement, the litigation will proceed as if no settlement has been attempted. If the settlement is not approved, there is no assurance that the Settlement Class will recover more than is provided in the settlement, or anything at all. If the settlement is approved, payments will be made only after the settlement becomes final.
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This description of the litigation is general and does not cover all of the issues and proceedings. If you have specific questions, you may contact the Settlement Administrator by calling 866-675-2716. You may also contact Class Counsel, by mail at Progressive Law Group, LLC, 1570 Oak Avenue, Suite 103, Evanston, IL 60201, by email at markb@progressivelaw.com, or, by calling (312) 787-2717 (Atty. Mark Bulgarelli). Include the case number, your name, your email address, and your telephone number.
To obtain a copy of the Settlement Agreement, the Plaintiff’s Motion for Approval of the Settlement, and other court documents visit the Important Documents page. You may also view documents related to the case by visiting the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Cook County, Illinois, 50 W. Washington, Suite 1001, Chicago, IL 60602, where files relating to this Lawsuit will be available for inspection and copying at your own expense.
Please do not contact the Clerk of the Court, the Judge, or the Judge’s staff, because they cannot answer your questions or give you advice about this settlement.
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